Daughter of Scroggins, John Ellis (27 Aug 1904 - Nov 1969) [41242:&].
Daughter of Scroggins, Lula Mae Tisdell () [41243:&].
Wife of Walker, Roosevelt (ca. 1932 - ) [41251:&].
Austin American-Statesman, Jeffery Alton Scroggins Wright Walker, 8 Oct 2016 [Legacy]
King-Tears Mortuary, Mrs. Jeffery Scroggins Wright Walker [9 Oct 2016]
Find A Grave, Jeffery AltonScroggins Walker, 6 Oct 2016
(Updated 9 Oct 2016).
WALKER, Jeffery Alton
Scroggins Wright
Alpha: December 26, 1929
Omega: September 25, 2016
Long time resident of East Austin transitioned from this life on Sunday morning, at the age of 86.
Visitation: King-Tears Mortuary, Inc. 1300 East 12th Street Austin, TX. 78702 (512) 476-9128 Friday, October 7, 2016 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Funeral Services: Saturday, October 8, 2016 11:00 a.m. at Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, 2111 S.L. Davis Street. Austin, TX. 78702 (512) 472-2844.
Published in Austin American-Statesman from Oct. 8 to Oct. 9, 2016
Mrs. Jeffery Scroggins Wright Walker
Born in Elgin, Texas on Dec. 26, 1929
Departed on Sep. 25, 2016 and resided in Austin, TX.
"A Time To Live"
Sister Jeffery Alton Scroggins Wright Walker was the second daughter born to the late John Ellis Scroggins, Sr. and Lula Mae Tisdale Joiner of Elgin, Texas. She was born on December 26, 1929 and was named after her mother's brother Jefferson Tisdale.
Jeffery accepted Christ at a very early age and was baptized at Mt. Moriah Baptist Church in Elgin, Texas. She later moved to Austin, Texas and united with Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church under the pastorate of the late Reverend S. L. Davis. She was a strong woman of great faith who continued to attend worship services at Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Reverend L. K. Jones until her health failed. As a servant of God in the house of the Lord, she served and sang in the church choir for many years.
Jeffery attended and graduated from Elgin "Eagles" Public High School in 1949.
She began her working career and retirement at the University of Texas – Austin in food services and custodial services for 39½ years. Jeffery was a woman who had a passion as a "Fashionista" who loved dressing up when the occasion would arise. She was the epitome of feminity; wearing her jewelry, colorful nail polish and the most stylish attire. This legacy is continued to her daughters, nieces and throughout her family.
Jeffery was a woman with many interest and hobbies. She enjoyed reading her bible, being a member of the Birthday Club, decorating, shopping, singing, playing dominoes, eating catfish cooked by Pastor L. K. Jones, eating out at various restaurants, traveling and visiting her daughter in San Antonio, Texas. Her favorite color was purple a sign of royalty.
A virtuous Woman: Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future. She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. . .charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her the product of her hands, and let works praise her in the gates." Proverbs 31:24-26, 30-31
"A Time To Love – My First"
Jeffery was married to the late Homer H. Wright, Sr.
"A Time To Love – Second Time"
Married Roosevelt Walker
"A Time To Die"
Sister Jeffery transitioned from our earthly life on Sunday morning, September 25, 2016.
She was preceded in death by her parents; three brothers, Ruben Haywood Scroggins, Sr. [41249:&], John Ellis Scroggins, Jr. [41240:&] and Shirley James "Buster" Scroggins [41250:&]; three sisters Virgie Ree Jackson Wiley [41248:&], Bobbie Jean Canady Thomas [41245:&] and Birdie Marie Brown [41246:&].
"A Time To Cherish"
Jeffery leaves to cherish her precious memories: her loving husband Roosevelt Walker one sister Mary Eliza Perkins [41247:&] of Elgin, Texas; three daughters Patricia Wright Williams of San Antonio, Texas; Vanessa Harris of Houston, Texas, Charlotte R. Walker of Austin, Texas; one son Homer Howard Wright, Jr. (Darlene) of Austin, Texas; her loving grandchildren, Sylvia Jean Bedford and Rochelle Wright of Bastrop, Texas; James L. Williams II of San Antonio, Texas, Homer Lee Wright of Taylor, Texas, Jasmine Williams and Danielle Harris of Austin, Texas, Damian Harris of Houston, Texas. She was truly blessed and cherished by seventeen great grandchildren; a special niece and nephew who also cared for her during her illness Annette Gail Wade (Ural) of Elgin, Texas; three god daughters Madeline Townsend Lee of Austin, Texas, Barbara A. Green (Harry) of Port Arthur, Texas and Pearl Conyers of San Antonio, Texas; her high school classmate Rosie Lee Dove; best friends Kathryn Brown Allen, Cordella "Della" Jefferson and Scottie Ivory, all of Austin, Texas; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends.
Jeffery AltonScroggins Walker
Birth: Dec. 26, 1929
Bastrop County
Texas, USA
Death: Sep. 25, 2016
Travis County
Texas, USA
Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery
Bell County
Texas, USA
Created by: This Old Scarecrow
Record added: Oct 06, 2016
Find A Grave Memorial# 170941139
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